OTB iPhone 1.1.2 – Activate and Jailbreak (Cingular Usable), No unlock yet
28 November 2007
The OTB iPhones with 1.1.2 pre-installed are posing some serious issues as far as unlocking them are concerned. That won’t stop you guys from using the iPhone without a contract (Cingular / ATT). Yeah, you can Activate and Jailbreak your iPhone which makes them usable with ATT and Cingular sims without a contract. Just follow my post which involves downgrading to 1.1.1, followed by OktoPrep 1.1.2 and then Upgrading to 1.1.2 and Jailbreaking/Activating it 🙂 (All the features except for Phone can be used with other sims).
The bootloader (4.6) on OTB 1.1.2 iPhones is tough to crack which should be announced very soon 🙂 iPhoneDevs always succeeded and so does our hopes! Keep an eye on this post for 1.1.2 OTB unlock!
I just bought one OTB 1.1.2 version NEW I-Phone from USA, need to unlock completely & used @ Singapore network Starhub service provider!
Your reply is great, CHEERS!
Hi Jeff,
Cool. Recently thru a fren, I managed to get myself an iphone and i suspect it is 1.1.2 version too. Unfortunately, one of my frien who does cracks currently cannot crack 1.1.2 yet only 1.1.1. So i’m basically stuck with an white elephant :). But as the saying goes, nothing will stop the iphonedev to develop a crack soon. Really boils that Apple is locking phone to create more revenue $.
Kinda infringement of freedom of usage isnt it?
Anyway, does any one knows how to crack 1.1.2.
Note:Jeff does downgrading indicated here works?
So are u saying that an OTB Iphone version 1.1.2 with 4.6 bootloader can be activated and jailbroken?just not unlocked yet…So it can be used as an ipod and web browser?just need to check that the wifi works as well?been reading up and all the posts are so confusing.
All we have to do is donwgrade it to ver 1.1.1 and follow the instructions? Any way of doing that (activating and jailbreaking ver 1.1.2 OTB) with a laptopn running windows vista?
Thanks for any help.
@ Pang : Yep, exactly! You can use it as a PDA/iPod but the phone part is pending approval by the hackers!!
You can Activate/Jailbreak as you normally do for other phones on a Windows computer. Just follow my post http://ilikemyiphone.com/wordpress/?p=115 after you downgrade to 1.1.1.
Thanks for the quick reply!just one last question. How do u downgrade a version 1.1.2 to ver 1.1.1? Sorry..should have asked that in the previous post..
Hi! I’m not sure I unserstand quite right. I’ll be buying an iPhone in the US in the next couple of days, to bring it back in Switzerland ( and work it on Orange).
Will I be able to downgrade to 1.1.1, un-simlock it, and use it as a regular phone?
Also, if this works, will I be able to upgrade to 1.1.2?
I’m sorry to ask this, but there’s soo many sites that talk about this, I’m just not sure of what I read anymore.
Thank you!
Downgraded my OTB 1.1.2 iPhone to v 1.1.1; then attempted the Jailbreak. Followed all of the items exactly,set the URL’s, set the prefs, have wireless access, reacehed the jailbreak site, clicked for the install, immediately went back to the “Slide for Emergency” screen. Didn’t PANIC and waited… a few hours. Nothing else happened, iPhone never resatrted. Restarted (power off, then on) no joy. Attempted install again… waited 30 mins this time, same thing. Repeated the entire restore back to the 1.1.1 image and started from scratch, and got the same results… get to the site, click the install and it goes back to the “Slide for Emergency” screen.
Has anyone seen this before? Any thoughts… help, please.
Hey whats the news now. Did anybody able to unlock yet to work it as a phone also.
Eagerly waiting for any such progress//
Hi all. I’m planning on buying an iPhone 1.1.2 and just use it a a iTouch till they unlock it. Now I’ve read the “http://ilikemyiphone.com/wordpress/?p=115” but one step is missing!! How do you downgrade OTB 1.1.2 to 1.1.1?
this is for solskar, i had the same problem when you do the jailbreakme.com make sure you have itunnes open or it will not work, hope this helps
Still waiting for an un-lock to 1.1.2 with 4.6 loader… I hope someone cracks it soon, I have been using my iphone as a ipod and web browser for quiet some time now…. !!
Please when the crack is release i wish you can send it to me on my email maosta@cyberia.net.lb i have been using it as an ipod and pda since i got it
sorry guys, could not reply on te cos’ of my semester exams… lemme know if anyone need help 🙂 1.1.2 is pass
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