iPhone 1.1.3 – To Update or To Wait? : verdict : WAIT!!
15 January 2008
Now that iPhone 1.1.3 is released to the masses, do you have to click on the update button in iTunes? No wait, almost all the features except Google Maps virtual GPS are doable with our 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 jailbroken iPhones. Please don’t be hasty upgrading to the latest in iPhone firmware offering yet. This release is for the developers (err hackers?!!) who are working on decrypting the firmware files as I write this!! Think twice before upgrading cos’ that would mean : You have almost no means to get back and use all the hard worked Apps created by Mac Enthusiasts. Hard luck for OTB 1.1.2 iPhone buyers cos’ their hopes of a software unlock are delayed further 🙁
Now that 1.1.3 is out… how soon can I expect an Unlock for my OTB 1.1.2 iphone with 4.6 boot loader?!?
I believe there is one, but it’s more complicated… you might have to do some digging around in google, but I’m almost positive you can do it
Hi Mike : Thats wishful thinking 🙂 Unfortunately there ain’t as of Jan 16.. I am on Google all the time and I am very good at digging information! I will post and digg it if I find one (atleast in the early stages)!!
well today is the 20th well 1 am here my time so its barely the 20th anyways………………………………
GeoHotz has successfully created a HARDWARE UNLOCK for OTB 1.1.2!!!!
With this in mind, DevTeam has software unlock under processing but just around the corner (so to speak)
dig in google now….
i searched it in google by putting in search field….
geohotz blog
guaranteed you will find it there….
@amart : good to see you around buddy!! I have been closely watching zibri and geo’s blog and nothing satisfactory yet for the end user! 1.1.3 jailbreak is already out in the wild, iPhoneDevs are fearing to release it cos They feel apple may patch the loophole with 1.1.4 before SDK is released. So they wanted to wait till 1.1.4 or sdk is out. I have a strong feeling that apple might come out with 1.1.4 no matter what! Untill then 1.1.2 is the way to go!!
Though hardware unlock has been successfully pulled off, blogs are stating that software unlock is around the corner. Also, that there has been a little controversy between the Dev Team. They will need to pull together so that we may see a software unlock soon! Word is that a member of Dev blew six iphones, searching for the secpack of 1.1.3, due to a fellow member of Dev did not want to share the info.
May the Force be with the all mighty Dev Team!
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