Well, we all know Erica Sadun and if you don’t – welcome to the world of iPhone adventures!
Erica’s iPhone cookbook is geared towards developers at all levels – be it a novice or a ‘I know it all’ guy! Erica’s mastery on this subject has bedazzled all of us in the pre-appstore days with some of her cool applications which ruled the iPhone turf for a while (SendSong, MakeitMine, VoiceRecorder…..).
Anyway, the basic idea behind this post is to introduce you to the world of iPhone Application development at a fraction of the price! Yeah, though the PDF version of this wonderful book retails at $31.99, our objective is to grab the eBook for about $21 (best price on the internet)! Please don’t pirate this eBook, lets show some respect to her skills.
Before we proceed, we need :
- Slight knowledge in programming (C, Perl, Python, Javascript, ….)
- An intel Macintosh computer with Leopard OS X (Preferred).
- XCode and iPhone SDK (Free for all)
- An iPhone for live testing
- Loads of patience and determination!
So how do we get this eBook for such a low price :
- Head over to this page. You will see a $28.79 price point. Lets make it $21 now!
- Click on save more by ‘becoming a member‘.
- Click on create a new account.
- Fill in your details and enter the member code as CISCOUG.
- You should now see the adjusted price! Unfortunately, tax is added for this eBook! May be you can give an NH address to avoid it!
- Try giving this free eBook (Becoming an Xcoder) a go if you are totally new to Macs and objective-C.
Icing on the cake : You are also entitled for a print version of this book for $25 starting OCtober 15th with free shipping! Hard to beat the deal 🙂 Stay tuned for some of the best iPhone programming links!
fifty shades of grey
Pdf, ebook, audiobook or other electronic versions of bestsellers can be discovered here.
dj beat making
But do not be overbearing towards them because
you just be repulsive if you are. The Beatmaker Should Act As a Natural Lady Attraction Tool.
Imagine coming up with an idea to make a beat in the
wee hours of the morning and having to go to the studio.