iPhone 2.2 Firmware Released : 3G Software Unlock Hopefuls STAY AWAY from the Update!
UPDATE : Jailbreaking 2.2 Firmware was made possible again by iPhone Devs and if you want to download custom ipsws, click here or you can download the jailbreaking tools here.
UPDATE : The overall experience is lot smoother and a lot lot snappier (SMS, Safari,…), fewer Crashes and One Word : Well worth it but I still suggest you to hang in there for the 3G Software Unlock which is due (If you need it that is!).
As anticipated, Apple dropped a major iPhone firmware update v2.2. True to the rumored features, Google Maps, Safari, OTA Podcast Downloads, and few other minor feature enhancements are made.
Those using iPhones activated using Unlocking Software (QuickPWN, PWnage) are SERIOUSLY suggested not to hit the update button since it might render your iPhones unusable!
Now for the best part : iPhone Devs are on the brink of a revolutionary 3G Software Unlock release!
What this update does to the BaseBand (from iPhone Devs) :
- The 2.2 firmware for 3G contains a baseband updater for the 3G iPhone
- The 2.2 firmware for 2G (1st gen iPhones) doesn’t contain a baseband update and the baseband is still at 04.05.04
- We believe that our Pwnage technique (and therefore the Jailbreak) isn’t affected, but PwnageTool and QuickPwn do not support this release as yet, so DO NOT install 2.2 using iTunes if you have third-party (non AppStore) applications that you want to use right now
Bottom line : WAIT and don’t say you were not warned!
I have an iphone 3G 16gb. I have upgraged to 2.2
Will I be able to jailbreak and unlock in the future and if so, when?
Is in possible to downgrade to 2.1, with loosing anything?
Thanks Frank
frank@jaglowitz.com n
i updated to 2.2 and i cant jailbreak now any help?? wen i first updated i did jailbreak it but now i reseted my phone and cant jailbreak it anymore..
Hope you didn't upgrade your baseband. Anyway, you can still jailbreak using quickpwn…
can you explain on how to jailbreak it i have it on 2.2.8 but cant seem to jailbreak it…
Use quickpwn, it should prompt you at every step… Check downloads section on this site for the latest tool…
Sent from my iPhone
I would suggest you wait till the best downgrade method is available. Is the iPhone usable or locked l?
I’m confused on which app to use… just to get a Jailbroken 3G.
I have not done the Nov 21 update – I have 2.1
All I want to do is be able to install apps via Cydia and Installer?
Is this possible? And what App do I use?
The iPhoneDevTeam page is 2 months out of date. Other places have tons of comments about people not being able to do all sorts of things after QuickPwn, etc.
thanks for the help
jaymer : Visit downloads section and download the appropriate tools based on the platform, straightforward… Let me know if you still have problems with the tools…
Hi, I have an iPhone 3g bought from Optus Australia and I had them legally unlocked my iPhone 3g.the version I have currently is 2.0.2.my question is,if I upgrade my iPhone to version 2.2,will my iPhone be locked?
3G legal unlock means it will survive any firmware updates in the future. So you are good to go buddy!
I just updated and I use the turbo sim with tmobile. Now it does not work. So if you use the turbo sim don’t update. Hopefully I can reverse this.
You have to wait for pwnage or quickpwn… Hopefully soon!
Hey Kiran-
Was wondering if you could help me out. I purchased an iphone 3g last week … had my company hook up the exchange program so I could get my work emails … but they have top security in place I guess on accessing emails via the iphone. my problem is every five minutes (unless using the iphone) it goes to sleep and when it goes to sleep, emails don’t get pushed to the server … so there’s no way I can be notified of new emails unless I wake the iphone back up. Do you know of any way to hack into the iphone to take off the pass lock and/or sleep restrictions that they put on? I’m a newbie to iphone world and need step one instructions if you have any ideas how to get around this. If you can help me out, I’d be more than happy to make a nice donation to you via paypal … i’m desperate to get around this annoyance. thanks so much for your help!
Nate : iPhone exchange setup is configured for push mails, it cannot be disabled when iphone is in sleep mode. Sleep mode is iphone feature and not ezxchange related. Pl check your exchaange settings. What firmware are you on?
Hey thanks for the replay … on firmware 2.2.8 … i was able to control the sleep mode prior to my company putting on my work emails … there’s some security feature disney has in place that the max time the phone will stay awake is 5 mins if there’s no activity going on … and when it goes to sleep, i’m not notified of new emails … so I was just wondering if there was something to do to enable I still get notified when emails arrive and the phone is in sleep mode. thanks again … nate
Nate : Your last comment has conflicting arhuemebts, I have used many push email solutions and the way push works is : a background tcp connection to the iPhone is established at all times by the server even if the iPhone is in sleep mode.
Not sure about Disney’s security.
Thanks for the replay Kiran … looks like it was a security feature my company put on along with the mandatory passcode lock … I’ll try to see if they have any suggestions. thanks for trying!
[…] Comments Nate on iPhone 2.2 Firmware Released : 3G Software Unlock Hopefuls STAY AWAY from the Update!kiran on iPhone 2.2 Firmware Released : 3G Software Unlock Hopefuls STAY AWAY from the Update!Nate […]
hello to all,
i bought the 3g iphone and now im in europe for a while……
wanted to know if these files will allow me to jailbreak it so i can use a sim card from here which isnt t-mobile??
please let me know
Hi! I would suggest you try the 2.2.1 Jailbreak/Unlock.
http://ilikemyiphone.com/wordpress/2009/01/31/how-to-se… it step by step and you should be golden!
[…]iPhone 2.2 Firmware Released : 3G Software Unlock Hopefuls STAY AWAY from the Update! | iLikeMyiPhone[…]…
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