Geohot’s Blackra1n Jailbreaks 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPod Touch : Dangerous for Unlock!
Update : Mac version is now released too! Download it here. I prefer Dev Team’s solution cos’ we can preserve the baseband fro unlock!
Geohot released a Windows version of jailbreak only tool for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 2G/3G running at 3.1/3.1.2 firmware. Before even thinking about this jailbreak program, read this important warning over and over!
Blackra1n won’t Unlock 5.11 baseband. It just jailbreaks and it won’t hacktivate. This translates to the following :
You can use this program ONLY if you have an official iPhone contract and you don’t care about software unlock
You accidentally upgraded to 3.1.2 (upgraded baseband to 5.11) and want to use your iPhone like an iPod Touch (not sure about activation though).
Blackra1n is a 30 second jailbreak! All you have to download it (windows) and run the .exe file (run as administrator in Vista/Win 7).
There are a few important things to note about BlackRa1n: (Contributed by Chris! Thanks a lot buddy 🙂
* BlackRa1n can jailbreak OS 3.1 and 3.1.2
* BlackRa1n is for Windows only so far. If you’re using Windows 7 , run BlackRa1n as an admin with “Windows XP Compatibility” mode by enabling it from the “Properties” tab
* BlackRa1n does not hacktivate your iPhone, which means you must be using an official carrier
* BlackRa1n does not unlock the iPhone
* iPhone 3G and 3GS users should not upgrade to 3.1.2 if they want to keep their unlock. You will have to wait for an updated version of PwnageTool if you want to unlock the latest OS.
* the iPod Touch 3G is supported but it is a tethered jailbreak which means you’ll have to use BlackRa1n everytime you want to boot your iTouch
I would suggest you wait for Dev Team’s pwnage tool if you are waiting for custom 3.1.2 firmware.
Kiran here is some other info u might want to add to this post
There are a few important things to note about BlackRa1n:
* BlackRa1n can jailbreak OS 3.1 and 3.1.2
* BlackRa1n is for Windows only so far. If you’re using Windows 7 , run BlackRa1n as an admin with “Windows XP Compatibility” mode by enabling it from the “Properties” tab
* BlackRa1n does not hacktivate your iPhone, which means you must be using an official carrier
* BlackRa1n does not unlock the iPhone
* iPhone 3G and 3GS users should not upgrade to 3.1.2 if they want to keep their unlock. You will have to wait for an updated version of PwnageTool if you want to unlock the latest OS.
* the iPod Touch 3G is supported but it is a tethered jailbreak which means you’ll have to use BlackRa1n everytime you want to boot your iTouch
Does Blackrain upgrade my baseband? I have 3gs 3.0 4.26? if I use blackrain, this will upgrade my baseband?
I want to use blackrain because I don't want to "hacktivate" my iphone, I just want to jailbreak but not "hacktivate" I want to do it after the jailbreak.
is that possible?
Blackra1n is used to jailbreak and not unlock. Blacra1n doesn't hacktivate and your iPhone won't boot to homescreen unless you are subscribed to an official iPhone carrier.
Hello, I have an iPhone 3GS 16GB white, FirmWare 3.1.2, baseband 5.11, unlocked from factory, OS: MAC OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.1, I just want to jailbreak my iPhone. I tried with PwnageTool 3.1.4 with a custom firmware (also 3.1.2), everything was OK but at the final restart of the iPhone it got stuck in DFU mode (black screen), so i had to restore the original 3.1.2 firmware and now my iPhone is like it was when I bought it. Any suggestions? Thanks!
hi i wanted to know if i jb my phone 3gs 3.1 baseband 5.11.07 with blackra1n will the jb a normal jb or a tethered jb? thanks in advance!
so does that mean if i jb my phone, it will be js a normal jb and not a tethered jb?
Yes sir… tethered jailbreak only for new bootloader (phones that are recently bought with 3.1.2 OTB…)
thanks for your help all along!!! now im enjoying my jb iphone!!
thanks for the help, i'd successfully jb my phone using blackra1n hehehe, but im still not sure its a tethered jb or not…
To determine if it is a tethered jailbreak or not – try disconnecting your iPhone from your computer and restarting your iPhone. If it successfully boots to homescreen, you are all set!
yup done that! hahaha thanks!
Thats happend to me i try to download Tap Tap Metallica and it said i have to pay
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