Download iPhone 3GS Custom Firmware iOS 4.0 [Jailbreak, Unlock, Activate]
CAUTION : iOS 4 jailbreak is way complicated unlike other jailbreaks. Please proceed with caution.
Requirements :
- Jailbroken iPhone 3GS with older bootrom.
- You haven’t used Spirit jailbreak before (for untethered jailbreak).
- You have Windows (PC). For Mac, try Pwnage instead.
- Please read the above requirements again.
More info about these custom firmware files :
- [UPDATE] : You need to download files from either step 1a or 1b depending on your baseband preference. Both are unlockable, so I would go with step 1b which is the latest baseband which supposedly does better with the battery. step 1b updated with alternative download locations.
- Has factory boot logos (Apple and restore cable),
- Only Cydia, 831 MB Root Partition
- Preserved Unlock baseband (Your current baseband – be it 4.26.08, 5.11.07 or 5.13.04 will stay the same)
- Activated/Not Activated (Check the files carefully)
- New custom firmware with the latest baseband (5.13.04 unlocked using ultrasn0w) is available in a separate direct download (step 1b). It is available for those who donate since the purchased download traffic bandwidth has been exhausted. It will be available for direct download for all when I buy more traffic shortly.
- Download the following files ONLY if you have an Official iPhone contract with your cell carrier (ATT and others….)
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Not Activated Official Carriers Part 1
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Not Activated Official Carriers Part 2
- Download the following files ONLY if you don’t have an iPhone contract (T-Mobile and others…)
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Activated for Other Carriers Part 1
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Activated for Other Carriers Part 2
Step 1b) Download Files for iPhone 3GS Baseband Updated to the latest version (05.13.04), still unlockable
Rapidshare has gone insane! Charging me for traffic every few hours. I have uploaded to the following mirrors. Click on the image below to download the file from 7 alternate locations.
- Download the following files ONLY if you have an Official iPhone contract with your cell carrier (ATT and others….)
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Not Activated Baseband Updated Official Carriers Part 1
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Not Activated Baseband Updated Official Carriers Part 2
- Download the following files ONLY if you don’t have an iPhone contract (T-Mobile and others…)
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Activated Baseband Updated for Other Carriers Part 1
- iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Activated Baseband Updated for Other Carriers Part 2
Step 2) Join the downloaded files
- The files downloaded above have an extension .001 and .002. They need a special opensource (free) software HJSplit to join.
- Download HJSplit to join both the files – Link for Windows Computers here and Macs here.
Step 3) Restore the firmware in iTunes 9.2
- You should now have the respective firmware file with an extension .ipsw (make sure it is .ipsw or else, it will give you an invalid firmware error) . Follow the steps in order :
- Turn your iPhone 3GS off.
- Launch iTunes and connect the iPhone to your Mac / Windows computer while holding the home button. your iPhone is now in restore mode.
- For a Mac : Hold Option key and then hit Restore button.
- For Windows : Hold the shift key and then hit the restore button.
- In the dialog box that pops up, browse the downloaded custom firmware file (the .ipsw file that you downloaded and joined using hjsplit in step 2).
Step 4) Unlock your iPhone 3GS (if need be!)
Give it few minutes to perform the restore. Once the iPhone is up and running, proceed for software Unlock using Cydia. Follow this guide to install Ultrasn0w (for 4.26.08 baseband) to software unlock your iPhone 3G/3GS.
You are now good to go! Post a comment if you are stuck at any of the steps described above.
[Pwnage Tool is developed by the Dev Team. This is just a custom firmware file created using that tool especially for Windows users cos’ Pwnage tool is available only for Macs.]
hey kiran, any word on when the iphone 4 will have a unlock released? thanks.
They got it working, just a matter of time!
It is in the testing phase and hopefully will be out very soon (:
does this custom firmware fix the ibooks issuem,push notifications and youtube problems!!!
Never knew there were those issues. This is 4.0, so 4.0.1 may have fixed them. iBooks should be an app store update. Push should work, and so should Youtube..
Hey Kiran
The custom 4.0 firmware with Updated Baseband worked perfect! Thanks again for the work and posting this. I just donated via PayPal…first name is Lars.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it (:
Hey Kiran
I just noticed that the "End Call" red bar while you are on the phone just says "End" with the phone icon just on the left of "End". I'm pretty sure in 3.1 the bar said "End Call". Is this a graphic update to 4.0? or did the "Call" go missing in the custom firmware? Not a big deal…just wondering.
Found out that the End Call bar had been updated to End in 4.0. All good. Cheers.
Awesome! Yeah, a custom firmware just jailbreaks and makes room for the baseband changes. No operating system level changes – so everything else should remain intact.
Hi, Please help me.
I'm brought a second Iphone from USA and use in Thailand. Not it locked can not make a call, but only use like Ipod touch with Camera.
How can I unlock and Jailbreak?
My Iphone is Version 4.0 (8A293) FM 05.13.04
I don't have SHSH version 3.1.3
Please let me know asap.
I am assuming it is 3GS. Since no SHSH blobs were stored, it is a complete risk trying to get iOS 4 on it. I would either try jailbreaking it at 3.1.3 using custom firmware and then get iOS 4 custom firmware on it. Again, risk involved if something goes wrong while restoring…
Hey Kiran,
I have a 3gs with the current baseband at 05.13.04, and it has never been jailbreaken/unlocked. Now it would make sense for me to get the custom firmware firm in step 1b correct? And if so after I restore it to this custom FW will it be unlocked upon restore completion or are the more steps for unlocking becuase I want to use it with Tmobile? Thanks.
If it was never jailbroken, I would suggest you hold off on iOS 4.0. JB is a pre-req for iOS 4.
Oh man, darn it. Hey Kiran, so I'm stuck rightnow from unlocking my iphone 3gs? I bought this 3gs off of ebay and it is roughly about 4 months old and still under warranty till next year. I believe it has never been jailbroken and unlocked. It has been used solely on at&t and the seller did a dumb thing updating it to the latest FM 4.0.1 w/baseband 5.13.04. Now you said hold off on it but I dont have At&t service and I cant wait to unlock and start using it… Is there no other safe way to go about doing this?
Unfortunately no, not until 4.1 firmware is out. Since it was never jailbroken before, it cannot use custom firmware. We have to wait for SpiritJB.
Okay buddy, will you post on your this site if a jailbreak is avail becuase i have had no luck with this and i ve literally searched everywhere i can think of find something that will help me. Thanks.
Jailbreak is now available! Check it out on the frontpage!
Thanks Kiran, you are the man. Thank you thank you thank you.
you are welcome (: it is a dev team effort though!
Hi Kiran,
I have 3GS on 5.11.07 BB. Old Boot rom, can i try this?
Thanks in advance
Hi Kiran,
I have 3GS on 5.11.07 BB. Old Boot rom, can i try this?
Also i ve heard the custom firmware is having prblm with Cydia. Hope this FW doesn't have any.
Thanks in advance
The custom firmware shouldn't have any problem with Cydia. It is recommended you have a jailbroken iPhone before you try iOS 4 custom firmware.
Kiran…is it possible that i could DECREASE my firmware. I just bought a new iphone 3gs and I really want to unlock it but, I see I can't with 4.0 it came with it installed so can I decrease in firmware to make it work? Thanks
You can unlock it at 4.0.x too. Why do you want to go down to 3.1.3? Is it activated? If yes, checkout the latest post ( and jailbreak it followed by unlock.
You can unlock it at 4.0.x, no need to downgrade firmware..
hey there
ihave a 3gs 5.13.04 ios 4.0 and is stuck on emergency call will restor these files help me ?? 🙁
im a windows 7 64bit
Help Pls………………….. Thanks In Advance
It really depends if your iPhone was previously jailbroken or not. Please check the requirements section at the start of the article…
heres the problem first it was on 3.1.2 and jailbroken and unloked then i updated to 4.0.1 ! so it was stuck on emergency so looked around and heared that 4.0 can be jailbroken not later so i downgraded my iphone to 4.0 thats it.
I had a jailbroken iphone 3gs 5.11.07 and I am using windows.
I did all of the above steps correctly everthing went well and the new software got installed but now my iphone is stuck on emergency call, i cant do anything.
pls helppp
I dont understand what went wrong I have a old bootrom and i didnt use spirit jailbreak. Please help me
Sorry for the delay, hope you found a solution. If not, I would like to know if you can activate your iPhone? (using iPhone contract or no?). THat way, we can use the latest version of jailbreak..
No I can't do that, anyways I downgraded my iPhone to 3.1.2 again
Wow, downgrading is a nice feat, glad you got the shsh business right…
Ya I'm glad too 🙂
Hi kiran please help me out here, I am currently using a 3gs 3.1.2 baseband 5.11.07 and it is jailbroken before. I downloaded the "iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Custom Firmware Activated for Other Carriers" files and managed to join them up without any problem. However, when I tried to restore it using this file it got stuck saying restoring iphone software. Please help me what should i do.
An error message would definitely help (16xx error or something else?)
No Kiran there wasn't any error message, it stucks while restoring iPhone and nothings happen then.
I have tried it on a different pc but still the problem remains the same, any idea what is going on
iPhone3GS 3.1 (7C144) -MC145C/A – Baseband: 05.11.07 – iBoot-359.3
i try since days to get a custom firmware on my iphone but i always get error 1604 in restore and 1600 in dfu-modus. any idear? thanks!
I would suggest if you have an activated iPhone…
hi, thanks a lot for the answer but that is exactly my problem. and sadly i can nowhere find this phonebook-sim here in germany. so i orederd one from china but thats gonna take 2-3 weeks till i get it. maybe any other idears?
not sure what a phonebook-sim is or how it helps. so all you need is activation, right? You might as well try spiritjb as the last resort on 3.x.x, the only problem being it won't work on iOS 4 or custom firmware won't work after spiritjb.
I'm using Windows 7, my phone baseband is 5.13.04. I downloaded the activated baseband update version. I'd tried, but have a error message
"iPhone could not be restored, code 1604."
btw, I have a version 4.0.2 firmware, but tried to downgrade it to this version because it's the same baseband.
I seriously need help to fix this, please email me
Do you have SHSH files stored on Cydia or your computer? Have you ever
used Cydia on this iPhone 3GS??
no, the fact is, I can only do emergency call, I can't access any of the menu or settings. it's completely locked.
I think what they call "hacktivation" is what I need. I have no AT&T SIM to try to access it and download the jailbreak/unlock apps. doesn't the custom firmware activated supposed to solve this? I wonder if I did it wrong…
at least now it's not stuck in the iTunes-USB cable mode anymore. when I disconnect from the PC, it actually asks for my SIM card.
I think I'd successfully got it to restored than I first thought, but no access now. please help
Dear Kiran,
I have the 3gs new boot rom BB 05.13.04 and os 3.1.3 jailbreaked , activiated and unlocked , will I have to activate the iphone after restoring the 1b Custom restore ? if yes I will be stuck again for activation .
I hope that your custome IPSW would be self activated, please just answer by YES "self activated" or NO " activation required"
Dear Kiran ,
You had just posted a reply for me but please note that I have saved shsh for 3.1.3 ,4.0 and 4.01 on cydia , will this help to move up without reaching emergency call upon sucsess or upon downgrade again to 3.1.3?
I appriciate if you reply clearly.
Since you have SHSH blobs, you can definitely try the custom firmware here, it shouldn\’t hamper the activation status… Activated Custom firmware automatically takes care of activation…
Thanks , I will proceed and feed back for the result .
Activated firmware is designed to self-activate… I would suggest holding off till 4.1 custom firmware is out though (if you don't have SHSH files saved on Cydia – that way, in the worst case you can revert back to 3.1.3).
Dear Kiran ,
I have a saved shsh for 3.1.3 , 4.0 and 4.01 , saved in Cydia with Tiny Umbrella ,will this help moving up with your custom ipsw?
Totally! You have secured your iPhone jailbreak then. Go for it!
I have saved SHSH on Cydia for os 3.1.3, 4.0 and 4.01 by tiny umbrella , is thsi ok to move up to your custom ipsw?
also I can revert to 3.1.3 but in that case I will also unactivated and unjailbreaked in emergency call.
Dear Kiran,
You had posted a reply to me but please note that I have shsh saved on cydia for 3.1.3 , 4.0 and 4.01 , will this help mpving up without having emergency call in both was of upgrade or downgrade to 3.1.3 again.
I appriciate your reply , also the first file is 208666 KB how I can download the proper size ?
Hey there – I am having trouble with my 3GS (data issues). My carrier states it is because i am using an older version and I need to update. I am reluctant to do so, because it is ESSENTIAL i preserve the Carrier Unlock (via Ultrasn0w)
Iphone 3GS 16GB
My version is 3.0.1 (7A400), model MC144C
PLATFORM = Windows
What steps should I take to update my firmware AND still be able to jailbreak and unlock the phone, for continued use on my carrier (Bell Canada)?
Did you save your SHSH files already? Did you launch Cydia and save SHSH files when prompted initially? If yes, then it will show you the iOS versions for which SHSH files were saved. 4.0.1 is the best recommended firmware, 3.0.1 is way too old right now…
hi Kiran,
The operation faild due to error 1600 while restoring your custome ipsw , so please go arround the new bootrom 05.13.04 – 6.4_M3S2 , also keeb in mind I had added the cydia ip to the hosts and got same fail, thanks anyway for your efforts and hope all the best for you.
Now I feel bad. Under the requirements section, it is specified that this only works for older baseband.
Spirit jailbreak should still work if you are stuck on 3.1.3, or wait till 4.1 jailbreak which is around the corner…
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[…]Download iPhone 3GS Custom Firmware iOS 4.0 [Jailbreak, Unlock, Activate] | iLikeMyiPhone[…]…
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