[TIP!] Guide to 16GB 3G/GPS iPhone 2.0 for FREE from ATT

Just sift through some quick info about the new 3G iPhone here. Now you are all set for the next part :

Buy a 16GB iPhone 2.0 given the faster data speeds and the obvious amount of data downloaded. Don’t say you were not warned! If you want to stick to the legal mobile provider, best bet is to sign a new contract, get a free ATT phone – sell it off eBay and then use the money to buy an iPhone (you end up getting it for free, right?)!!

Best bet for free phones would be Blackberry Pearl, ATT Tilt or any Smartphone for that matter. If you are nearing your contract upgrade time, bargain for a free phone and then immediately buy the iPhone 2.0, as simple as that. Make sure you pre-order your iPhone from Apple.com given the shortage in stock for the first few weeks.

Come back for more offers/deals for making this awesome iPhone deal the cheapest possible!

Source : Apple.com


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