Finally, dev team proved it yet again that there is no other iPhone hacker team more valuable than themselves! Yes, they releasd the ultimate hacking tool for your iPhone now enabling you to fully utilize what iPhone 2.0 is capable of (MobileMe, Apps and a lot more!). iPhone 2.0 is now available for T-mobile and other unofficial carriers which constitue a major chunk all around the world!
You will need the following files :
iPhone 2.0 firmware file from Apple (Let iTunes Download this for you)
Once you have all the files downloaded, you are ready to rock and roll! A comprehensive guide to unlocking, jailbreaking and activating your iPhone 2.0 for the total noob is in the making! Stay tuned 🙂
Do you need a Mac to do this??? cus i have windows!! is there a version for windows!! i really want my phone unlocked
Unfortunately, yes. Windows support might be coming soon. I am not sure if a pwned firmware file helps you on Windows machine, if it does, it would be great! Will research and post it 🙂
Hey Kiran,
I have an iphone 2g (1.1.4 OTB) and was wondering how this Pwnage hack is for the new iphone 2.0 firmware?
have you tried it yet? please share your thoughts. thanks
Works great on my Mac, will publish my own video soon, not sure about Windows, it exists but still have to evaluate it!
Ohh and dev team has released a later version of Pwnage and the link for that is as follows:
it fixes some issues found with pwnage 2.0
Yea i have macbook also and i just loaded pwnage 2.0.1 on this and the gui is very nice. i might hold off on upgrading to FW 2.0 for a few more days.
How about you, did u load 2.0 on yours yet? if so, any issues?
Nope, no issues so far! MobileMe finally is working (push features). AppStore is great 🙂 Much better than 1.1.4 for me so far!
did u hear about the “kill switch” in the new 2.0 firmware?
check out this article:
scary isnt it? i still havent upgraded to 2.0, still rocking my iphone on the 1.1.4 OTB.
okay i bought and iPhone from a friend. The phone was unlocked when i got it. i put my sim card in and everything worked just fine. well when I opened iTunes it asked if I wanted to upgrade my software? well I did and now it has reversed the lock on it!!! I have version 2.0.1 but i want to downgrade so i can unlock it…again!.. ive downloaded EVRYTHING but nothing helps. I dont have a cingular SIM card so I cant even get into my phone. I NEED HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
David : Well, I feel the kill switch applies to official AppStore apps, we now have installer and Cydia to back us and they can never kill them remotely 😉
Angela : You must have been more careful with iTunes particularly when unlocked and on a different SIM. Our best bet is to wait till Pwnage 2.0.2 is released today in the next few hours. Pl don’t panic, situation is totally under control 🙂