
Password Protect your Media and Applications on the iPhone! [Free License Giveaway]

How many times had this thought struck your mind – ‘Gosh, I wish I could hide these videos from my family/friends!’ Then comes this – ‘iSteamy is really hot but I don’t want my wife/children to know about this steamy adventure!’

All your questions are now answered, thanks to the developers at HidePod. They have just finished Apple’s unfinished business of protecting your ‘Stuff’! The next time someone (in my case – my professors, family members…) asks your iPhone for a quick look – you can innocently hand it over despite not so innocent stuff hiding back there!

We all know about Poof, an application for hiding your applications but HidePod dives in with password protection feature and even letting you hide the HidePod application behind the regular/normal looking Calculator icon!

I can assure you that it is so difficult for anyone to hack into your protected stuff. I myself had a tough time using the app initially, and you can just imagine how hard it will be for someone to get to the hidden videos/apps – thanks to the added layers of protection (password, and hiding the application itself!).

Why wait, you definitely stand a chance to win a license.