Apple iPhone High Technology – A Glimpse

Well,we all know how powerful iPhone is with all the sophisticated Hardware complimented by Mac OS X itself! I liked the technology behnd this cool gadget so much that I had to redo Apple’s iPhone Technology video adding few tit bits. The video is for an average science student who is fascinated with Solid State Physics and even a common consumer can enjoy it!

Apple iPhone 1.0 – To Choose or to Wait for iPhone 2.0?

iPhone is the buzz word all over the internet. Apple created a lot of hype on this shiny cute little device and only June 29 will decide it! I am charting out few observations about the mighty little iPhone cos’ I fear I don’t have the right amount of funds to flaunt an iPhone,atleast on the release day! Yeah $499-$599 is way too much for an average student like me though I would give everything up to adopt the latest in technology. I was researching on Multi Touch and found Jeff Han’s innovation. Before even digesting the technical know-how of the technology,

Free iPhone like browser – Opera Mini 4 Unleashed

Time for some iPhone action – iPhone has been the buzz word ever since Steve announced it and here it is, this time from a competitor who has never produced a mobile phone before,but have provided a very good mobile browser for Windows, Symbian and Linux mobiles – Opera. They released this very cool,completely free browser – Opera Mini 4 with all the Zooming effects, Page transition Slide effect and a lot more. It works more or less like Deepfish browser by Microsoft and Thunderhawk browser. We get to see the entire page in a Tiny format on your mobile phone. You can click on parts of the page for it to Zoom in to that particular area. You should watch it in action in my video below.

Embedding Youtube videos on your WordPress 2.2 Blog

I had a tough time migrating from Blogger to WordPress and to add to it – I had to look all over the internet to find a FIX for this problem and finally, Jack provided with one, though he wouldn’t allow me to comment on his post and I lost the link!!

Here are the steps::
1) We need to turn-off Rich Text Editor for the respective user. For this, we need to click on (->)
->Users->Your Profile-> Uncheck the Check Box which says “Use the visual editor when writing”->Update Profile

Comparing HTC Touch and iPhone has never been this fun!!

HTC releasing a multi touch device way before iPhone was about to step out to AT&T caught everyone’s attention but HTC Touch is not ready for the big fight yet! A single layer of touchflo UI on top of WM6 doesnt’ make it a competitor to iPhone cos’ a stylus is a must for it to function any where near to the current Pocket PC devices. iPhone wins by a greater margin, touch input and sensors would be a real challenge cos’ they require good amount of practice since they are Unique features 😉