ATT Plays Spoilsport in the 3G iPhone Episode Yet again with their Pricing Strategy
Yeah, they did it with iPhone 1.0 and now with the latest iPhone 3G. They remain the exclusive carrier of the iPhone 3G despite Apple ending revenue sharing agreement with ATT over iPhone to reach the masses, they now want to hop-in on the extra revenue by charging a ransom for 3G network access in a not-so 3G rich America.
As of today (June 9th, ’08), only 285 metropolitan areas have ATT’s 3G access in the US and they expect $30 for Unlimited 3G data plan ($45 for biz. users), that too without the SMS package. In essence, you will have to pay an extra $240 (approx.) for 3G Data, 200 SMS which makes little sense given their 3G deployment across the nation.
Check for 3G coverage in your area before jumping on the bandwagon. There will always be a not-so-legal alternative soon!
It is no longer an iPhone specific bundle, it is a smartphone bundle! Read the press release from ATT. T-Mobile 3G is in its infancy and ATT is at the peak of their evil-self. Have a quick look at their 3G coverage and decide for yourself. Hackers, start your engines as we badly are in need of an exploit yet again!
Facts :
iPhone 1.0 8GB :: $399 + $39.99 + $20 Data Plan (Incl 200 SMS) = $1840 for 2 Years
iPhone 3G :: $199 + $39.99 + $30 + Optional SMS Package $5 (min) = $2000 for 2 Year
You ending up paying more with 3G iPhone. Steve’s ‘more affordable’ formula goes wrong here 🙁
It is advised that you follow this quick guide to get the iPhone for FREE. Ask a reseller for new ATT contract if needed and bargain for a discount. They will go for it happily unlike ATT.
It is rumored that 3G iPhone is not available for purchase online and can only be activated with a new 2 year contract (existing users – extend your contract for 2 years)! Apple takes a back seat capitalizing on this engineering marvel while carriers plunge forward to have the biggest pie. All in all, only July 2008 will tell how compatible is iPhone 3G on the consumer’s pockets!
Stay tuned for a way out to thwart ATT of their evil interests!
p.s : The views expressed here are mine alone supported by cold hard facts. Please post a comment if you feel this article can be improved/changed/taken down (ATT not allowed)!
will the new firmware 2.0 be coming out for download the same day (jully 11th)?
i was wondering if i plug in my iphone to my pc and itunes wont start updating my phone to 2.0 FW on its on will it?
it will ask me before doing so right? i am asking this becuase i just got my iphone like 3 weeks ago with 1.1.4 OTB. i never needed to update/downgrade/restore.
David : iPhone 2.0 will definitely be out July 11th, if not earlier.
It will prompt you saying that there is a new firmware available, need not worry. You can even disable itunes automatic updates from preferences menu.
[…] 2.5G had this amazing $20 unlimited data and 200 SMS package but that’s about it. Check how ATT is messing up with the whole 3G episode. Ok, now you say ATT is the culprit but Apple cannot be left out either. They tie the whole iPhone […]
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